DROP-IN NATION is based in Buffalo New York and is nearly a decade old.
It uses Holistic Education Curriculum designed for Drop-out Recovery.
7,000 students drop-out everyday in the USA.
73% students attending DROP-IN NATION go on to College, job training or employment.
The major informers of DROP-IN NATION are:
Holistic Education: Our children are people
Circular Reasoning: Our children are complex
W.E.B. DuBois: Theory of Double Consiousness
Jean Baudrillard: Theory of Cultural Industrialization
Focus on Reading and Thinking
Love - without this, nothing else matters
It's almost 20 minutes long. Check out 12:30 and Euro-centric and Circular Reasoning. The idea that they survive and someone loves them is what everything else is based on. There are even Yoga classes!