Sunday, March 18, 2012

Cincinnatti and Northern Kentucky ready to improve Gr 3 reading scores by 2020|newswell|text|Frontpage|s
Mar 18, 2012

Here's a few snippets from this news article:

NEWPORT, Ky. (WTW) — More than 70 organizations in Greater Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky are teaming up on a national effort to improve third-grade reading levels.
The eight-year initiative includes seven counties and 19 school districts. It's one of the broadest such efforts ever undertaken, organizers said.
Its goal is to have 100 percent of children in this region reading successfully by the end of third grade by 2020....
"We all believe that kindergarten readiness and third grade reading are the single most important factors to getting a child to graduate from high school," said Robert Reifsnyder, president and CEO of United Way.  We really feel that it's absolutely critical to build community will around the importance of getting kids prepared for kindergarten and getting them to know how critical reading is and build reading skills," he said. "Those skills stay with you for the rest of your life. And if you don't have them early, you get behind early."
Greg Landsman, executive director of the Strive Partnership...said the grade-level reading campaign "will create perhaps the most robust talent pipeline in the country, unlocking the limitless potential of each and every child in our region."
To meet the goal of 100 percent third-grade reading proficiency, the coalition will:
— target disadvantaged students and high-need schools
— work regionally in three areas: kindergarten readiness, attendance, and summer learning
— expand volunteer efforts such as tutoring
— create a stronger focus in schools and communities on reading and attendance
— align funding with programs that work.
The plan is in its early stages. Details on exactly how it will work, how much it will cost and how it will be funded are being finalized. The full plan will be rolled out this summer.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Whole Child Award...first time awarded in Canada

Byrne Creek Secondary School in South Burnaby, BC received the ASCD Whole Child Award today, a first for Canada.  40% of the 1250 students have English as a first language.  Some of the students have lived in refugee camps and not had the opportunity to attend school yet.
The educators meet weekly to collaborate and brainstorm innovative solutions.  The one that piqued my interest, is "the "Village of Attachment" where staff, families and community members create a web of support around the most vulnerable students."  For years, Dr. Gordon Neufeld has preached attachment as a way to protect and strengthen families raising young children.  How heartening to see this approach in action for children and teens that have witnessed war, famine and more.

Monday, March 12, 2012

High school teacher blogger from Calgary...Educational Leadership Matters

I like this post, especially the animated clip regarding Autonomy, Mastery and Purpose

Link to the Fostering Resiliency Presentation

Here are the presentations from UBC's Early Years Conference 2012 held this February in Vancouver.  There are links on a variety of topics here.

 This is the direct link to the presentation I participated in.  The Federation of Community Socials Services of BC conducted the APP (Applied Promising Practices) 2-year research project and examined how families and parents 'make a shift' towards health.  
The project data shows that Family Resource Programs are useful, valid and successful partners in the array of family services required in our communities.  
Focusing on prevention, FRP practitioners foster resilience through instrumental help giving and intentional relationship-building.  Families feel equipped to navigate periods of sensitivity.  Families increase their social capital and protective factors, reducing risk.

I have the Literature Review, 70 page roll up and the 11 page Talking Points if anyone is interested.  

D5 Fostering Resilience: Lessons from Canada’s Family Resource Programs
Janice MacAulay, Sherry Sinclair and Christine Colbert


Thinking of everyone as we head into the home stretch of EDUC 816 Developing Educational Programs and Practices for Diverse Educational Settings!

I was texting with my daughter this morning, wishing each other a great day, and the phrase from the Adam Sandler movies, "YOU CAN DO IT!" flashed in my head.  I love the brain-dead comedy, hidden messages and humility of his movies.  Here's a quick YouTube clip of Rob Scheneider's famous line....

Sunday, March 11, 2012

TEDx at SFU Nov 2011

SIAT School of Interactive Arts and Technology

Seeing as we are in the Design portion of our degree, it was neat to hear parts of this video speak to the design aspect of the SIAT program and hear commonalities.
I don't know if there is any relationship between SIAT and Education, but I wonder if our HEAL cohort might contribute to the next TEDx in November??

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Joy and Delight

This picture is imported from Castles, Crowns and Cottages Blogspot

       I love the look of pure delight!!
      This blog is full of beautiful images.

Bonding and Attachment in Maltreated Children

Bonding and Attachment in Maltreated Children 
Bruce D. Perry, MD, PhD

Click on Read More and a 10 page pdf file will appear.
Bruce Perry succinctly defines attachment and the consequences of emotional neglect in childhood.

The site is full of info and resources.