Thursday, November 29, 2012

Read My Hips - ScienceNOW

Read My Hips - ScienceNOW

Check out today's ScienceNOW post by Emily Underwood.
This article seems like a good follow up to our Embodiment in Curriculum and Instruction course.
And how excellent it is to be in touch with our bodies and to listen to the wisdom they have to say!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Rich and full
And brimming over
Abandoned abundance
Rushing, tumbling
Generous excess
Spills out all around me
And into my body
Covering my mind
With a comforting wrap
Absorbing the nurture
The value and the respect
Hungrily eating
The stretched out invitation
To come to a table
Laden with riches
Treasure and jewels
Dripping in cream and wine
And deliciousness
 Dishes prepared from
Tear-stained hearts
Fully alive to the joy
And sorrow, the non-ness
And rawness
Welcoming me into the glow
Of warmth and hum
Away from my dark isolation
Brittle and parched
And saying "Come, come,
Stay awhile.  Stay as long as
You like.
This great expanse is
Yours to live in, to love in,
To die in, to move in,
Stay.  Stay here."

Golden Lane...Abbotsford BC Nov 5, 2013

A golden lane
To walk within
A blue sky
As my cover
The arching trees
Beckon me
To come and 
Be one

To swim in
Their grandeur
And flow with the wind
Spinning and twisting
And falling to rest

Such beauty in death
You've given your all
Your whole self
Lies golden and brown
Fallen to the ground
Brilliant with teardrops
Reflecting the light

You were beautiful 
In plenty, fluttering en masse
You are ravishing in death
Holding me captive
At your courage
And poise
And humility to become
One with the others
Taking your place
Under the wide open canopy