Thursday, October 4, 2012

Uzbekistan fabric 19th century

Pattern so soothing
Hidden in plain sight
Upon sitting and gazing
The seam appears
Now I begin to measure
And compare
To see what the repair
Or addition of fabric
Is all about

The beauty and comfort
Has washed secondary
No longer flowing
In my body
I am not rapt
In it's fabric
No longer it's captive

My mind creates a story
From long ago -
Did a tear happen
At a lavish party
As the cloth adorned
An ornate piece of dark burl
A guest stricken ill
Grasping at the table cover
Crashing the feast to the floor
Moaning and crying out
An invited doctor quickly attending

Or did the author of the piece
Only secure part of the working fabric
And waited for the next
Delivery, an intermittent affair
Decided the seam will be less prominent
Then the glaring narrow width
Carefully placing the embroidery stitches
The asymmetry gnawing inside

Knowing a choice is needed
And learning to
Let expections fall
Finding a path of peace
Off the raging roadway
Of perfection
Embracing fully
With a wet kiss
The limits
The fences
And celebrate what is
Mining out and
Shining a light
On the collected
Eyes disciplined
To not narrow
And dart
A participant of judgement
Of rating less and better
An airless space, full of death
Never satisfied, forever rest-less
Hold fast to the Life in hand
Breath expansion
Strength relaxing
In the company of it's flaws