Monday, September 17, 2012

Invitation to a walk in silence

Buntzen Lake BC - SFU HEAL Cohort

What a fabulous way to begin our 2nd year!!  This was a new place for me to discover, yet a replica of many spots of our beautiful West Coast.  The 15 of us trekked along together, in silence.  The hour carved out a space for me to reflect, wonder, wander and best of all, to be.  To just be in this living forest.  At the beach, we took out our notebooks and wrote whatever came to mind.  The invitation to write, "When I walk in silence I notice..." was a starting point.  

My writing begins with the patch of huckleberry bushes as tall as basketball players, the golden sunlit path and then I remember I am in the middle of the 31st season of my first son's short 42 days life.  I flow along the river of my heart, thoroughly taken with the experience of the invitation to walk in silence.  Here's a portion of my writing, toward the end of my piece:

The green water covers the resting rocks
That edge the lake
A dreamy feel, a moving scene,
A mystery unrevealed
Hidden darkness recessed
Among the shafts of bright
Hiding under the light

Like the obvious that stares at you
Hiding the unspoken, the unnoticed
A deepness camouflaged by activity
No beckoning or signs on how to enter
Rather once I slow, a passage seems to appear
As clear as evaporating mist 

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully written certainly captures the imagination and heart process. Glad your school year is starting with a day like this.
